The Independence Excellence in Leadership Awards

presented by BCBS of NC

Spring 2024 awards have been announced!

Spring 2024 Recipient View 2023 Recipient List

The Independence Excellence in Leadership Awards presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC is earned by a player from each of our teams in all of our competitive programs including USL League 1, USL League 2, USL W League, USL Academy, ECNL, ECNL Regional, Select, Pre-Academy, Competitive (Blue/Tan/White/Navy) and Youth Academy.

The criteria for a player to be awarded the Independence Excellence in Leadership Award includes the qualities of team leadership, sportsmanship and modeling the values and principles of the club with an unwavering and passionate commitment. 

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Youth & Pre-Professional Nomination Process

For all youth teams and pre-professional teams, the coach will nominate and award one player from their team. These players will be awarded the Independence Excellence in Leadership Award certificate and will recognized in a ceremony at a first-team game and on the Club website and other communication channels.

League 1 Nomination Process

The coaching staff and front office will collaborate on the selection of the first team winner. The awarded player will receive recognition at a ceremony at the last game of the regular season and throughout the team’s communication channels.

Independence Excellence in Leadership Awards presented by BCBS of NC

Last Name First Name
Adamson Riley
Agurkis Dawson
Aitken Colbie
Alexander Milo
Alexander Everett
Alexander Marley
Alleman Ben
Allende Jason
Anose Noah
Armendariz Jaime
Ashburn Garrett
Azzopardi Kellan
Bailey Nolan
Bartman Lilly
Behrenbrinker Braden
Behrmann Ryan
Bender Emme
Berry Ella
Bertges Avery
Boner Mary Ansleigh
Bracco Lucas
Branson Aubrey
Brennan Becca
Briceno Britney
Bright Owen
Brock Sarah
Brody Bulger
Brooks Ramsey
Bryan Cole
First Name Last Name
Bryant Jack
Buckler Collin
Bullard Walker
Burdsall Johnny
Burris Josiah
Campbell Will
Catledge Clayton
Chennells Ava
Chigavazira Anashe
Christiansen Victoria
Clark Callahan
Clemonts Nevaeh-Joi
Coffey Gavin
Commerford Sadie
Cowart Tanner
Cowgill Aaron
Daly Sarah
Day Emelia
Day Emelia
DelBene Lucas
Delgado Angel
Delgado Melchor Jayden
Dobi Emily
Donahue Madelyn
Doty Wyatt
Dubiel Gabrielle
Duhon Eliana
Echeverry Andres
Frey Riley
First Name Last Name
Galbreath Aaron
Gallagher Molly
Garcia Daniel
Gibson Cora
Gonzalez Christopher
Grissom Gary
Guzman Jonathan
Guzman Valerie
Hagerman Isla
Hamad Deema
Haney Quentin
Hanscome Lilly
Hanscome Ellie
Hartz Andrew
Helfrich Bay
Hernandez Bernal Jadon
Hill Caitlin
Hoecherl Katelen
Hoffman Elijah
Holcomb Sophie
Hubacher Chase
Huggins Kaitlin
Ish Holden
Jensen Preston
Jeskey Charlotte
Keefer Max
Kendall Tristan
Kershaw Alexa
Kindred Alba
First Name Last Name
King Cooper
Klein Aiden
Levandoski Cameron
Lindsay Ben
Lindsey Fischer
Lizarazu Cecilia
Lykes Caris
MacGowan Ryan
MacLeod Kiera Lily
Marquez Munoz Addyson
Mateosky John
Matera Lydia
McGough Caroline
McMahon Riley
Miles Eli
Miller Avriella
Mobley Annsleigh
Mongeon Molly
Moran Cameron
Naik Anissa
Nath Shreyas
Nelson Vah’Quez
Newsome Chloe
Palmer Sophia
Palmer Dylan
Pavkovic Mak
Penley Ryan
Placek Jordyn
Profitt Lindsey
Last Name First Name
Pronko Maxine
Pulaski AuBrie
Putman Sean
Raso SaraBeth
Reep William
Reid Carter
Reisig Morgan
Reyes Estefania
Robinson Abigail
Rolf Gabrielle
Rood Dahlia
Rudolph Maci
Santucci Chloe
Sawchak Gabriel
Sayavong Grayson
Schenk Gabe
Schettler Christian
Sessions Mila
Simeon Kai
Smith Addison
Southwick Kian
Spikes Henry
Spurling Isaac
Stanley Bailey
Stout Meredith
Stowe Madilyn
Tabor Declan
Tapia Maria
Thinnes Croix
Last Name First Name
Thompson Andrew
Thrasher Stephen
Thyne Johnny
Tindall Makayla
Travieso Lucas
Turbides Lia
Van der heijden Ben
Vandergrift Evan
VanLandingham Joshua
Vargas Cristofer
Vazquez Diaz Emmanuel
Vessels Brody
Walsh Donovan
Wawak Caroline
Whitt Izzy
Whitt Asher
Wilson-McNeill Landon
Zavala Daniel
Zehouani Qais
Ziebell Walter
Zitlalpopoca Misael
Zuhoski Claire
Zuiderveen Lily
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