We form teams in our competitive programs by what we call the Player Placement Process. In general, with sporting terms, the word ‘tryouts’ is commonly used. However, we use the phrase ‘Player Placement Process’ – Why? Because we have a very specific philosophy and approach around player development and placement.
Our vision is to provide the best possible soccer environment for all our members. To maximize this, it is important for every player to be in the correct environment. Players should always be in a position where they are being challenged, while also finding success and enjoyment.
The Player Placement Process is a multi-faceted endeavor. While on the outside, only one or two of the steps involved in the Player Placement Process may be visible, behind the scenes, there are numerous pieces to the puzzle being constructed by coaches, directors and other technical staff. Members of the team behind the player placement for each individual player include their current team coach, future team coach, age group coaching staff, program Coaching Director, location Directors of Coaching (DOC), and specialized technical staff.
Senior Girls (Rising U16-U19) participate in PPP during the month of February. All others (Rising U8-U15) occur in the month of May
National Boys ID Sessions occur the months of April and May. All other programs [Local Competitive and National programs (external players)] occur throughout the month of May
If you are looking to join the club's competitive programs but do not see ID sessions available for your player, please contact us using the form below.
We are committed to providing a high-quality soccer experience for all our players. To support this goal, we have created a fee structure for our Player Placement Process registration that reflects our philosophy and values and acknowledges the commitment of our current members.
Youth Academy Program
For our Youth Academy Program there is no registration fee. As the introductory program to our professional coaching staff and training programs, this is an open program where we accept all participants. Within this program, players are placed in the appropriate level of training for their development.
Competitive Programs
Our Competitive Programs (U11 to U19) have a registration fee as detailed below:
Current Members: $50 intent to return fee
The fee reflects the increased direct expenses associated with our Player Placement Process. We are committed to keeping this fee at $50 through the end of the 2026 soccer season. This applies to our recreation players.
Non-members: $100 membership application fee
The fee reflects the increased time and energy our staff dedicates to processing membership applications. This fee ensures that only serious membership applications are considered. Should your player receive and accept an offer, a Membership Starter Pack will be provided that will offset some of the incremental PPP fee.
ID Sessions have concluded for the 2024-2025 season. ID Sessions for the 2025-26 will be announced soon.
Rising U8-U19 Girls, Born in 2017-2006
At Independence Soccer Club, our mission is to develop, promote, and administer the game of soccer using the key values of Character, Commitment, Community, Competition, and Communication as the guiding principles to achieve success and provide an exceptional experience. Our goal is to be THE industry leader at all times within all aspects of youth soccer. THIS, is The Independence Way.
ID Sessions for the 2025-26 season are live!
U13-U19 Boys, Born in 2007-2013.
At Independence Soccer Club, our mission is to develop, promote, and administer the game of soccer using the key values of Character, Commitment, Community, Competition, and Communication as the guiding principles to achieve success and provide an exceptional experience. Our goal is to be THE industry leader at all times within all aspects of youth soccer. THIS, is The Independence Way.
Fill out the form below to be contacted by one of our member services staff. This form may be used for all program inquiries.
Thank you for contacting the Charlotte Independence Soccer Club. A member of our staff will be contacting you shortly.
NORTH 10228 Bailey Rd Suite 203, Cornelius, NC 28031
SOUTH 936 Market Street Suite 204, Fort Mill, SC 29708
CALL US | 704-894-9995
© 2022 Charlotte Independence Soccer Club. All rights reserved.